Best Ways to Get Rid of Dark Lips Naturally

1. Lemon honey lip serum

Apply lemon juice and Honey at night before sleeping can make your lips lighting and glowing.
The use of this trick cane also work (Taking a lemon thin slice.and sprinkling a little bit sugar on it ) for you.
2. Rose

moisturizing, cooling and soothing are the properties of rose. All these three thing are found in roses and are very help full for shining and Bigger and juicy lips.
A few drops of rose water and honey and apply on lips and use this for a few days to get batter results.
3. Olive Oil

Applying a few drops of extra virgin olive oil on lips and rubbing it slowly and smoothly can make your lips more vibrant and lively. Keep in mind do this before sleeping at night. Take some sugar and the oil of extra virgin olive and make a mixture of these two ingredients. Scrub your lips with it gently once a week. It will make your lips color more natural and shine.

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